
Product Journeys

2014 - 2016

Designing a modern, responsive and scalable user interface for the GoCompare product journeys.

One of the reasons GoCompare was looking for in-house UX design expertise back in 2014 was to adapt to the changing customer habits. Growing usage of mobile devices required a move towards a customer-centric approach to the services offered. And so my journey as a UX Designer began.

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Style Guide

2014 - 2017

Finding a solution to improve communication between design and engineering at GoCompare.

Soon after the first set of design mockups for the GoCompare Home Insurance journey were ready, I faced a familiar communication challenge. Only this time, I was the designer.

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Designing an adaptive and modular homepage for GoCompare.

As GoCompare products and visual identity were evolving, its homepage needed an update. I got on the case.

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