Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


Tag: french

Decover #1: Complaint song

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July 13th, 2011

Videotron is officially done, so I’d like to introduce Decover. Similar pedigree but this time based on a free/improvised cover of a “real” song, known or unknown.

As a first shot I picked up another thing stuck into the past: Complaint song (ex-Camper song) which is a song I wrote back in 2003 and never finished to rewrite and reinterpret through a couple of Videotrons.

Videotron #8 – Banananut

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October 31st, 2010

A special Videotron featuring a unique guest: Mr Y (my anonymous friend from Brittany) on the hidden guitar. Let’s be honest, the initial “happening” happened just before this, unexpectedly, and obviously without a recording, so we tried again, with a recording. It’s been different but we had pleasure, fun, no pain, and we don’t want glory as we know the consequences.

Videotron #5

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April 25th, 2010

After a nice Sunday my mind turned into Videotron mode. Au menu, an other attempt of Complaint song (ex-Camper song for the fan – yes only one) and something I’ve decided to call Sweet song because it worths it. And err.. this is quite free.

Videotron #3

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July 9th, 2009

This Videotron happened just before a marvelous spaghetti bolognaise dish cooked by miss A. To be honest I did a couple of attempt before this one, all rubbish because of two much preparation…

So, this is the only rule: don’t come to the Videotron, the Videotron comes to you. Enjoy (or cry, as usual).

Videotron #2

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June 28th, 2009

This is a Sunday evening’ Videotron, second attempt. Again I started naked – not litteraly – and build up “something”. Oh and yes, this one is in my mothertongue: la France!

Aurore is live

April 1st, 2009



J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer que ma trés chère moitié Aurore vient de donner naissance à son nouvel espace de liberté: www.auroremary.org

Contrairement à moi elle est plutôt douée pour utiliser la langue de Shakespeare à son avantage. Mais Molière ne lui fait pas beaucoup plus peur :)



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December 31st, 2008

En guise de vidange de fin d’année voici un petit pack de cinq illustrations qui trainaient dans ma DS.

Malgré tout le bien que je pense de Colors! et du côté pratique de dessiner sur une console portable je commence à en ressentir les limites et le contact physique avec le vrai papier me manque. 2009 sera l’année du sketchpad sans pixels!