Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


Tag: face

New challenge

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November 4th, 2010

Following my recent liberation I confirm that I’m stuffed of drawing digitally and I will now only use paper for this purpose (because paper, I love you). However, I deeply enjoyed killing hours of commuting scratching my little screen and transforming a boring routine into an exciting one.

A selection of my Colors’ sketches are now archived where they belong to and following my first recycling I quickly sketched up a new one based on a challenging daily challenge: keeping things going.


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March 12th, 2010

This mouth can’t speak.

If it does he will crunch the beauty inside.

This ear can’t hear.

If it does he will swallow the beauty outside.

This head can’t think.

And I can’t write.

Variety in a tree

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December 6th, 2009


After I had fun drawing faces from biscuits’ fat stains on my note book, I draw several random shapes and let me inspired by them to get the result above.

For adding the colours I experimented the use of vectors instead of my standard bitmap approach. I don’t understand why I haven’t done this before as it’s fast, clean, flexible and fun to play with.

Of course this is still a weirdo illustration of nothing in particular but it’s cool to me, I love exprimentation!

Train’s sketches

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May 4th, 2009


Here’s a colorized version of my last attempt to sketch my partner. It happened on the way back from our last Easter holidays in France and even if it’s still not 100% respectful of the original model, it’s quite a big improvment from my first ever try (yes, it’s the same person!).


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December 31st, 2008

En guise de vidange de fin d’année voici un petit pack de cinq illustrations qui trainaient dans ma DS.

Malgré tout le bien que je pense de Colors! et du côté pratique de dessiner sur une console portable je commence à en ressentir les limites et le contact physique avec le vrai papier me manque. 2009 sera l’année du sketchpad sans pixels!